Serve over net to target area (progression)

Tactical Problem:  How to serve the ball deep (past attack line)  into opponents court
Skill development:  Accurate serve, and proper underhand technique

     Player 1 serve from attack line to opponents court beyond their attack line.
If player one gets it in move his cone back one step towards the serve line.  Player 2 lets ball bounce, catches it, and does the same thing.


  • open palm
  • face net with feet shoulder width apart
  • lead with opposite foot as serving hand
  • contact ball below waiste and infront of body
  • hit ball high to get ball over net
  • Game: 1st person to base line wins
  • decrease size of target area
  • receiver bumps ball to self
  • lower height of net 
  • increase size of target area
Teaching Pt.
  • Why do you want to serve the ball deep or past opponents attack line?



Organizational Points: 
  • in pairs
  • 1's get cone and ball
  • 2's get cone and open court space
  • Demo drill to class first